Body Care

Showing 1–12 of 13 results

fales yellow antiperspirant cream

Fales Antiperspirant Cream, available in various scents and fragrances, is designed for both men and women. It effectively eliminates body odor without leaving any residue on clothing and helps to brighten underarm skin.

32.49 USD

Maia Maxima Breast Care Cream Blend 100 ml

Maia Maxima Natural Plant Oil – Breast Care Cream

It helps firm the skin and improve its elasticity, and promotes the shaping of the breasts, making them rounded quickly.

32.49 USD

Musk Tahara Original

For perfuming sensitive areas, moisturizing, and softening the skin, it offers high-lasting power, ensuring its fragrance endures for days and leaves your body with a long-lasting, attractive scent.

Enjoy the naturally appealing and delightful musk fragrance all the time, and keep your skin soft and refreshed with Musk Tahara Original!

21.12 USD

كريم فيسكا للترطيب والوقاية

يرطب وينعم على الفور – سهل الامتصاص – يعالج تشقق القدمين بشكل فعال

22.74 USD

مجموعة بورنا الطبيعية

كريم متعدد الأغراض:
مزيل عرق – يهدئ البشرة – يقضي على الفطريات – يعالج ويبيض المنطقة – يعمل على القضاء على البكتيريا

22.74 USD

Deodorant Falez Cream

Vals Deodorant Cream with Refreshing Fragrance
Prevents sweating – Whitens the area – Eliminates odor-causing bacteria – Slows hair growth – Can be used as a fragrance for sensitive areas. Lasts from 3-7 days, and doesn’t leave stains on clothes.

22.74 USD

Miri Mant Cream

Multi-use cream for men and women:
Deodorant – cleanses the skin after skinning – purifies the skin from the effects of acne – helps remove dark circles – helps remove foot odors

22.74 USD

Propoleo cream for treating hemorrhoids

Propolio cream for treating hemorrhoids
To treat all problems of pneumatic, blood, internal and external hemorrhoids, anal itching, anal fungus and fistula.

38.99 USD

Heavy Sensitive Skin Brightening Cream

Heavy Sensitive Skin Brightening Cream

Heavy Sensitive Skin Brightening Cream  is designed to remove darkening of the thighs and sensitive areas. It effectively whitens and evens out the skin tone in sensitive areas

Original price was: 38.99 USD.Current price is: 32.49 USD.

Vesca Foot Care Cream

Vesca Foot Care Cream
Effectively treats cracked feet and restores the skin’s natural softness and moisture.

Original price was: 194.93 USD.Current price is: 161.79 USD.

Vesca Breast cream

Veska Breast Firming Cream

  • Firms and enlarges the breasts
  • Contains herbal ingredients
  • Contains collagen
  • Increases fat production in the breast area
  • Prevents sagging

Made with safe, natural ingredients that do not cause any harm.

25.99 USD

Vesca Forte cream

Vesca Forte cream
Helps purify and rejuvenate the skin. And remove dead cells and impurities from the surface of the skin.
Removing the effects of acne and pigmentation – exfoliating and cleaning the area – unifying skin tone – reducing wrinkles – treating melasma

38.99 USD